-Yes-Totally. As long as you don’t shame someone for putting out or not putting out.
-Although I would personally wait a while, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong about putting out on the first date. If both people consent and it doesn’t affect anyone else, I don’t see why it would be unacceptable. People go out at their own pace, whether it be fast or slow. Aside from personal values, the only thing holding you back from putting out on the first date would be the social stigma. If you’re comfortable with the idea of sex on the first date, you shouldn’t let social stigmas hold you back. Do what makes you comfortable and happy, I say.
-I certainly did with my current boyfriend. We met online on a curvy friendly dating app and after chatting for 3-4 days, we decided to go to the movies. We eventually had sex later that day. It was neither of our first times in a relationship although he does have a more extensive dating history than I do.
-If the parties consent, yes, but "having sex" and "putting out" have two very different meanings. Putting out doesn't sound very consensual.
-You have the ability to do whatever you want as long as every party consents
-Yes. Your body, your choice. As long as you’re comfortable with it, no need to feel weird about it.