-Split the check – or, whoever offers and insists should pay. If there’s a “part 2” like dessert or drinks, the person who didn’t initially pay should pay this one.
-the guy
-Personally, I think a good rule of thumb on first dates is that the person who initiates and invites the other person on the date should be the one to pay. The implication of asking someone out is that you’re willing to cover the costs of the date and accommodate the other person. Think of it like the inviter is the host and the invitee is the guest. Expecting the “guest” to pay for everything is like asking a guest staying in your home to get their own drinks as well as yours. If a second date is agreed upon, I think that’s when it’s more acceptable to split the cost or go with whoever offers or insists to pay.
-Both: go dutch. Equality for both men and women
-I think whoever has enough money should pay for the first date, and if both parties have enough, they should pay together
-I offered to venmo him for half of what was brought, he said sure, and once he paid he wouldn’t give me his venmo. I don’t think there is a specific person who should pay, but it should be discussed before hand.
-the person who asked the other on the date
-the man
-Trick question. Take the Jake Peralta approach and steal from a vending machine so no one pays. It’s a win-win-win.
-Whoever asked for the date!
-Split or like the person who asked out the person should pay I guess?
-I know the typical answer might be men; however, I think the person who asked for the date should pay. Also, considering that a man is not in the equation because it’s a lesbian date, I say the person who asked should pay. Why? I think the answer is pretty obvious, but a person who was asked out could have easily been sitting on their sofa for free, so why should they be obligated to pay.