-Yes- Can they not brush their teeth?
-No-Depends on how bad. To be honest, a certain level of bad breath might be kinda hot.
-YES! You can't just become unconscious about your bad breath. People know when they have bad breath, so they should pop in a piece of gum, a mint, or drink a sugary drink to avoid it. It's gross.
-Definitely. It shows lack of personal hygiene.
-To an extent
-I don’t think bad breath is necessarily a deal breaker, especially if I really like the person enough, but good hygiene is very important. I would argue that taking care of yourself in a relationship is just as important as taking care of each other. If you’re not there for yourself, you can’t be there for other people. Being there for yourself includes hygiene, whether it be brushing your teeth or taking frequent showers. While it’s not a deal breaker initially, I feel like if you don’t make an effort to fix the problem, it’ll lead to worse problems in the future.
-If there is bad breath because they decide not to take care of their health then do break up with them. But generally, it is not.
-Sometimes you can do everything in your power to make your breath better, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Which is a-okay.
-The deal has been broken.
-Depends on how bad. To be honest, a certain level of bad breath might be kinda hot.