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Aimee Rodriguez

Social Media- Spreading “Awareness” through trends

By Aimee Rodriguez

One of the trends that transpired in this past year comes from a video of Nathan Apodaca riding his skateboard. More specifically, he does this all while listening to "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac and drinking cranberry juice. The video went viral to such an extent that people wanted to recreate his video shortly after.

To give more of a backstory, Nathan Apodaca finds himself in a situation where he realizes his car battery died on his way to work. He reacts quickly by getting on his skateboard and continues heading on his way. Apodaca then decides to record himself traveling down the highway while sipping Ocean Spray cranberry juice and singing along to "Dreams". While doing this, it makes viewers see how he is not letting this car situation affect him. As this can be something that would typically bum most people out.

This video shows how this man mentally prepares himself to make the best out of his situation. It's almost as if he's saying, "I'm going to take my skateboard, grab my juice, and I'm going to make the best of a problem and carry on. I'm going to listen to a song that isn't traditionally masculine, and I'm going to ignore any judgment that comes my way. What? Will you make fun of me? I don't give a damn". This simple video of a man on his skateboard shows how much freedom one can have by ignoring judgment and negativity and continuing on, which is why it resonates with so many people.

So, what made this simple video become such a viral sensation? Well, it's a simple fact that this man looked free. This sensation is one that hardly anybody experiences or even aspires to feel. Although this video was not intended to spread awareness, like the ALS Ice Bucket trend, it seems to encourage internal peace and happiness, which can be very beneficial to society.

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